2023-09-222023-10-252023-10-252023-03-29Bergo, Mirian Marlene de Rezende. Gestão de vagas remanescentes em instituições públicas federais mineiras: desafios e perspectivas. 2023. 178 f. Dissertação (Programa de Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/tede/605Studies show the significant number of vacancies remaining in recent decades, which is why some researchers seek to understand the reasons for this increase in recent years in federal public institutions, given the importance of access and the costs of higher education in Brazil. The study in question aims to analyze the controls, forms and legislation used by the federal institutions of higher education (IFES) in the processes of filling remaining vacancies in face-to-face advanced courses, seeking to verify the possible yields in relation to efficiency. As adopted methodology, a descriptive, bibliographical, exploratory and qualitative research was elaborated. At first, a literature review was carried out, for which a search was carried out in the repositories of some platforms, such as: Google Scholar, Scielo, Spell, Periódicos Capes and other digital databases. The work was divided into five stages, with the aim of organizing the data collection and analysis of processes arising from remaining vacancies. Among the results found through this study, it is noticed that school dropout, non-enrollment by students approved in SISU (unified selection system) and non-filling of initial vacancies or number of remaining vacancies (RVs) in IFES. A possible resource to minimize the growing idleness curve would be to offer RVs to the community. From the interviews carried out, a consensus was identified among the Managers in the direction of seeking to offer the greatest possible number of idle vacancies for the community to guarantee the right to education for all. However, it is not always possible to meet this demand and/or fill vacancies in their entirety, due to existing gaps. It is concluded, therefore, that this study presents a high degree of encouragement for advances in federal public institutions, in addition to contributing to the academic community interested in internal processes, guaranteeing, therefore, the right to access to quality education for a greater number of people. of Brazilians.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino SuperiorEvasão EscolarBrasilPrograma de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI)Sistema de Seleção Unificado (SISU)Lei de CotasInstituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES)Gestão de vagas remanescentes em instituições públicas federais mineiras: desafios e perspectivasDissertaçãoEDUCACAO::PLANEJAMENTO E AVALIACAO EDUCACIONAL