2019-02-072023-10-252023-10-252018-02-07CORRÊA, Marcos Paulo de Oliveira. Culturas nas organizações: homogeneidades e heterogeneidades em uma instituição federal de ensino superior. 2018. 206 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Escola de Governo Professor Paulo Neves de Carvalho, Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte, 2018.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/tede/392Cultural meanings creates reference, validation and legitimating patterns of actions of a particular social group, constituting, in this sense, possible scenarios of apprehending and revealing existing conjunctures in an organization. In order to overcome the functionalist treatment that limits the understanding of cultural phenomenon in organizations, this dissertation adopted the “three perspectives” approach proposed by Martin (1992), namely “integration”, “differentiation” and “fragmentation”. The idea that this study intends to strengthen is that, from the analysis of a social context, there can be an expansion and deepening of the treatment of plural queries of cultures in the organizational environments. This research took as its main focus the cultural manifestations expressed by civil servants that work in different departments that compose a same administrative authority of a federal university. It sought to expand the perspectives of understanding of organizations by admitting that they are institutions filled by socially constructed realities and that constitute a scenario of discourses, latent or explicit, closing the possible logic of representation of a single rational plan. Therefore, it established the objective of analyzing cultural manifestations from different actors that act daily in the same organizational context. The semi-structured interviews were the main instrument used for the analysis of the cultural manifestations present in the analyzed organizational context, besides the documentary research to complement all the reports of the participants of the research. For the examination of the collected data, the content analysis was used. The cultures manifested in the administrative authority analyzed translate continuous processes and are dependent on the social context and the subjectivities of the subjects that are part of it. The analyzes that referred to the perspective of “integration” suggested a high degree of identification between the individuals and the organization in peculiar themes, not exempt the appearance of contradictions and inconsistencies revealed by the participants. Already in the light of the perspective of “differentiation”, the contradictions between individuals interacting in the same social space were evidenced, confirming the existence of numerous divergent manifestations within the same social context. The proposition that individuals in an organization sometimes change their views from moment to moment, as new circumstances come to light and new information becomes available, extolled the perspective of “fragmentation”. It was concluded by the argument that cultural investigations that exclude conflicts and ambiguities can silence important organizational facts and inputs from individuals who do not always have power in these contexts. Therefore, an adequate study of a cultural context must take into account the analyzes coming from the three perspectives, and not just one. It is suggested a more in-depth study of the topics highlighted in this research, problematizing their relations with other aspects and delimiting the characters present in this organizational context.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCultura organizacionalAdmnistração públicaRecursos humanosUniversidadeCulturas nas organizações: homogeneidades e heterogeneidades em uma instituição federal de ensino superiorDissertaçãoADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA::ORGANIZACOES PUBLICAS