2023-11-292023-11-292023MARTINS, João Victor Malagoli. O controle do Poder Legislativo sobre o Poder Executivo: uma análise dos instrumentos à disposição do Legislativo e de sua interação dentro do ecossistema de controle existente no município de Belo Horizonte. 2023. 116 f. Dissertação (Programa de Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/123456789/3921The Legislative Branch is widely known for its legislative function, exercised through the drafting and reform of laws which constitutes the legal framework, and also for its representative function. It can be said, that citizens elect their representatives to defend and to strive by their interests and needs in the whole society, which includes the federal, regional (state) or local (municipal) levels. It is also worth noting, that the Legislative Power is also responsible for another important function, but which is often it not given the real emphasize by society and by the representatives themselves: the supervisory function. In this sense, it is up to the Legislative Power, in addition to legislating and representing society, to supervise the acts and actions of the Executive Power, in order to certify that the planning, budget, accounts and public policies delivered to society are being carried out within legal limits, prudently, efficiently and in the public interest. Bearing in mind the importance of the oversight function, this paper addresses the instruments available to the Legislative Branch and its interaction within the existing control ecosystem, considering the local level of government. The inquiry was directed to the municipality of Belo Horizonte, addressing the means and possibilities of action in the City Council, as a representative of the Legislative Authority, within an entire apparatus and other institutions that are part of this control environment. This is, therefore, a study case, in which we intend to survey and examine the application of the main control instruments, which make the surveillance function of the Legislative Power achievable. At the end, the research analyzes the control instruments available to the Municipal Council of Belo Horizonte (CMBH), focusing on how they are used, what sorts of control they lend themselves to, how and how often they have been used, and what results are produced from the use of each one of them, also pursuing to understand how they affect and contribute to the process of accountability. From the analysis carried out, it can be noticed that, despite the use of the instruments by the councilors, the results generated from the supervisory actions of the Legislative have been little effective, in view of the low integration between the actors that belong to this envoriment.Câmara Municipal de Belo HorizontePoder LegislativoFinanças PúblicasAccountabilityO controle do Poder Legislativo sobre o Poder Executivo: uma análise dos instrumentos à disposição do Legislativo e de sua interação dentro do ecossistema de controle existente no município de Belo HorizonteDissertaçãoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA::CONTABILIDADE E FINANCAS PUBLICAS