2022-07-152023-10-252023-10-252022-03-29Vilhena, Cecília Fernandes. Parcerias público-privadas (PPPs) na gestão dos parques no Brasil: perspectivas e desafios na implementação do Programa de Concessão dos Parques Estaduais de Minas Gerais. 2022. 196 f. Dissertação (Programa de Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/tede/581The creation of conservation units (UCs) is recognized worldwide as one of the most important strategies within the scope of environmental conservation policy. However, in Brazil, despite the advances made in the number of UCs created from the institution of Law 9,985 of 2000, the proper implementation and management of these areas, by the public power, remains a great challenge for them to effectively fulfill their role, given the limited financial and humanresources available. The UCs are divided into different categories, among which the Parks stand out, with objectives that include the promotion of leisure in the midst of nature for society, an activity with great economic potential to be explored. In the context of the NGP, with the fiscal crisis installed in the country, and on the pretext of improving efficiency in the management of parks in Brazil, the search for innovative management models involving different modalities of public-private partnerships (PPPs) emerges, among the which concessions stand out. Currently, 16 national and state parks have signed concession contracts, most of which were signed during the current government administration, that is, from 2019. Additionally, another 60 UCs are in the process of structuring concession projects throughout the country. Following this trend, in 2019, the Government of Minas Gerais launched the Minas Gerais State Parks Concession Program (PARC) with the goal of establishing concessions in 20 state UCs by 2022, highlighting the lack of previous experience of the managing environmental agency, the State Forestry Institute (IEF-MG), with the execution of PPPs. The work was, therefore, developed with the objective of analyzing the potential implications of the concession of protected areas in the country, compared to the traditional model of direct administration by the public power, from the PARC approach. To this end, bibliographic and documentary research and interviews were carried out with managers and counselors of the advisory councils of the state UCsregistered in PARC to identify and analyze the perceptions and expectations of the actors involved, in view of this new management model. The research results corroborate those concessions in parks can in fact be a management alternative that brings a solution to some of the bottlenecks faced by UCs, and that there is great acceptance of this policy, both on the part of UC managers, who do not see any other solution. for the problems experienced in the current management model, as well as for most of the counselors. However, it was observed that concessions in protected areas have their own characteristics due to the specific social purpose of the UCs and the primary objective of conserving biodiversity, purposes that are put at risk in the face of a private partnership process whose main objective is to, making a profit. Thus, the main aspects and points for improvement in the structuring of the contract that must be observed were identified, including clear rules and limitations of use so that the primary objective of environmental conservation of the UCs is guaranteed; in addition to defining mechanisms for involving local communities, with a view to avoiding a process of exclusion from the use of public goods that have a social purpose. It should also be noted that despite the concessions being presented as an alternative with value for money gain, the benefits of the projects will only be achieved through strict supervision by the public authorities throughout the life cycle of the projects, a process that becomes quite challenging in the current reality. of Brazilian environmental institutions and, therefore, a target of great fear on the part of the interviewees.application/pdfAcesso AbertoProteção AmbientalMinas GeraisParceria Público-Privada (PPP)Programa de Concessão dos Parques Estaduais de Minas Gerais (PARC)Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC)Parcerias público-privadas (PPPs) na gestão dos parques no Brasil: perspectivas e desafios na implementação do Programa de Concessão dos Parques Estaduais de Minas GeraisDissertaçãoSERVICOS URBANOS E REGIONAIS::ASPECTOS FISICO-AMBIENTAIS DO PLANEJAMENTO URBANO E REGIONAL