2020-07-292023-10-252023-10-252020-03-31Vicari, Lauro Marques. Capacidades estatais e policy networks: um estudo das relações entre o Ministério da Agricultura (MAPA) e o empresariado do agronegócio. 2020. 233 f. Dissertação (Programa de Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/tede/454The present work, in the contours of its analytical pretensions, launched itself to the challenge of investigating the theme of relations between the State and interest groups within the scope of public policies, focusing on its role and its consequences in view of the needs of coordination at the sectoral level. The effort undertaken adopted the analysis of Brazilian agricultural policy as a means of application in the light of the interactions promoted between the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and the agribusiness interest groups, giving special focus to the representations of rural entrepreneurs. As a contextual framework and focus of the research problem, it started from the analysis of MAPA’s institutional transformation process started in 2003, seeking to assess the impact of capacity building for the operation of ministerial actions. In its micro cut, the evaluation of the agency’s experience in the process of creating and promoting spaces for participation aimed at formulating agricultural policy was defined as the central aspect, taking as an object of examination the relations developed between State authorities and the representatives of the business community at the level of the Sectorial Chambers (SC). The hypothesis underlying the analysis was established by observing the impact of this process on altering the trajectory of the relationships in question, which leads to proposing the investigation of the existence of causality between the described phenomenon and the opening of a new perspective for the relationship between the State and agribusiness interest groups, with the consolidation of a new locus of influence in the state apparatus. Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the experience of SC, aiming to understand its creation and functioning process, as well as its possible meanings and impacts on the interaction between MAPA and the actors interested in politics. Such pretension involved, as specific objectives, the observation of fundamental components for the contextualization of the study, contemplating the trajectory of agricultural policy and its political determinants, understandings used in the analysis of the participatory structure of the SC and in the effort to determine its functioning. The theoretical framework used in this study was based on the combination of different conceptual contributions used in the interpretation of socio-state interfaces, adopting the approach of state capacities in addition to the notions provided by the frameworks of corporatism and policy networks. On the methodological level, the bibliographic review analysis, documentary research techniques and the Social Network Analysis methodology (ARS) were used as a resource, according to the specificities of each objective. In the panorama of the results, it was possible to identify a process of altering the trajectory of the relationship between the organs of the state apparatus and the interest groups of the agricultural sector, pointing to a movement of approximation of the actors, advancing towards the consolidation of an influence channel sectoral policy. Through the perception obtained by the findings, it became possible to attest to the intended impact of capacity building initiatives at the ministerial level, confirming the hypothesis raised and verifying the role of SC in structuring policy networks. Finally, as a contribution to the literature and investigated experience, progress was made towards the abstraction of research results, consolidating an agenda of guidelines for capacity building, with a focus on the formation of spaces capable of guaranteeing the success of coordination at the sectoral level.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAgronegócioPolítica AgrícolaPolítica EconômicaBrasilMinistério Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)Capacidades estatais e policy networks: um estudo das relações entre o Ministério da Agricultura (MAPA) e o empresariado do agronegócioDissertaçãoECONOMIA::ECONOMIAS AGRARIA E DOS RECURSOS NATURAIS