2024-10-232024-10-232014-04-29GUIMARÃES, V. de C. S. Reformas orientadas para o mercado no Brasil [manuscrito] : uma análise sob o enfoque do institucionalismo histórico. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Escola de Governo Professor Paulo Neves de Carvalho da Fundação João Pinheiro, 2014.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/123456789/4226This thesis accomplished a study about the Brazilian economic policies since the 1950's. The goal is to understand the trajectory of the model of economic development coordinated by the state and the liberal reforms adopted in the 1990's. The research is based in the historical institutionalism approach, undertaking an analysis which considers the role of political variables in the process of policy-making. Thus, it investigates the factors which influenced the economic policy in Brazil, including the international context, the role of the ideas and the organization of the state, including its capabilities and the coalitions which supported the government programs. In addition, it investigates the role of social forces, including the industrial business sector, the financial sector, the military and, the working class. The analysis comprised an extended period, what is explained by the premises of historical institutionalism, which consider that social processes are slow and require time to consolidate their influence. As important conclusions, the examination found that national developmentalism erosion, the pressures from the multilateral lending institutions and the prestige achieved by neo-liberalism are fundamental to explain Brazilian policy choices in the 90's. Moreover, the economic crisis of the 1980's and the democratization process resulted in a vacuum of power which was fulfilled by a neo-liberal project. Finally, the support of the business class and the reduced power of the workers also contributed significantly to the economic policy decisions.open accessPolítica econômicaPolíticas públicasBrasilMinas GeraisModelo de desenvolvimentoReforma econômicaCrise econômicaCrise políticaHistorical-institucionalismEconomic policyMarket-oriented reformsNational developmentalismDebt crisisReformas orientadas para o mercado no Brasil : uma análise sob o enfoque do institucionalismo históricoDissertaçãoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA