2021-11-092023-10-252023-10-252021-03-31Lopes, Érika Rezende. Competências digitais de profissionais de gestão de pessoas: estudo a partir do Quadro Dinâmico de Referência de Competência Digital para Portugal aplicado em três Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior. 2021. 162 f. Dissertação (Programa de Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/tede/539Digital Competences (DCs) present themselves as an invaluable resource for the professionals of Human Resource Management (HRM) to deliver on their area-specific tasks and contribute with the design and implementation of their organization strategies. At the same time, for those who work in Human Resource Management units of the Sistema de Pessoal Civil da Administração Federal (SIPEC) [Federal Administration System of Civilian Personnel], the DCs are useful to implement public policies that deal with the use of digital technologies. However, despite previous studies showing the emergency of such DCs, there is a lack of parameters for the identification of these emergencies in the context of this professional field. In this sense, considering that the Dynamic Reference Framework for Digital Competence [Quadro Dinâmico de Referência de Competência Digital] (QDRCD) establishes a benchmark for the discussion of the digital competence of different target groups, it was proposed, as the objective of this study, to identify and adapt the DCs from the QDRCD to the context of the professionals who work in HRM units of the SIPEC, in three Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES) [Federal Institutions of Higher Education] headquartered in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. For this purpose, a quantitative and qualitative research was carried out, which encompassed literature review, documental and field research. Through the first two procedures, elements were sought to establish the correlation and adjustment of the competence from QDRCD to the general context of the HRM units of SIPEC. In the field research, which took place within the three IFES, structured surveys and semi-structured interviews were distributed to the HRM area managers for the purpose of applicability and relevance analysis of the DCs adapted to the context of the HRM areas of their institutions. Finally, surveys were distributed to the remaining professionals of the area so that they could assess the degree of importance and the mastery level of the competences validated in the previous stage. The results of the research showed that the DCs from the QDRCD, of basic and intermediate levels, could be adapted to the specified target group. Furthermore, the results also showed their applicability, relevance and high degree of importance to the execution of the professional tasks in HRM units at the three IFES. On the other hand, the results also pointed to the fact that such group of professionals presented average mastery of the DCs.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAdministração de pessoalTecnologiaTecnologia educacionalQuadro Dinâmico de Referência Digital (QDRCD)Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES)Competências digitais de profissionais de gestão de pessoas: estudo a partir do Quadro Dinâmico de Referência de Competência Digital para Portugal aplicado em três Instituições Federais de Ensino SuperiorDissertaçãoADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA::ADMINISTRACAO DE PESSOAL