2024-02-082024-02-082022CATÃO, Camila. A (in)efetividade do licenciamento ambiental da atividade de mineração de ferro no Estado de Minas Gerais: uma análise das deliberações da Câmara de Atividades Minerárias do Conselho Estadual de Política Ambiental. 248 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública) – Escola de Governo Professor Paulo Neves de Carvalho da Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte, 2022.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/123456789/3996The present research is dedicated to the analysis of the environmental licensing system for iron ore mining activities, conceived as a fundamental instrument of state regulation which, in turn, is intended to control the sector's economic activity and to promote environmental justice. Considering the current developmentalist economic policy and the relevance of mining activities for the state's economy, it is clear that environmental governance in Minas Gerais tends to accommodate demands from the business sector, which, supported by promises of promoting sustainable development and the consequent generation of employment and income, maintains the extractive model of mineral production that contributes to the perpetuation of the situation of economic dependence to which municipalities already heavily weakened by mining are subjected. In this context, it is important to highlight the intensification of conflicts and environmental injustices, due to the confrontation of interests between economic, state, and social agents. It is understood that the constitutive elements of such a problem are faithfully represented in the course of the decisionmaking processes regarding the granting of environmental licenses to iron ore extraction enterprises, in the scope of the Chamber of Mining Activities of the State Council of Environmental Policy of Minas Gerais (CMI/Copam). This deliberative arena brings together representatives of the state and business sectors, in addition to environmental movements that act in opposition to mining, in view of the environmentally degrading impacts imposed by the activity, disproportionately, on members of local communities. In this sense, an important tool for empirical analysis is the analysis of the minutes of the environmental permit analysis and deliberation sessions at the CMI, highlighting, through the analysis of the council members' manifestations, the nature of the perceptions and the rationalities that guide the decisions made, relating them to the interests that the segment represented on the Council defends. The data obtained point to the ineffectiveness of the environmental licensing system at CMI/Copam, revealing the institutional inability of environmental management in line with the 1988 Federal Constitution, the prevalence of economic and public-institutional arrangements and strategies aimed at facilitating the procedure for the benefit of business interests, practices that configure distinct forms of regulatory capture, the use of social contestation strategies as a form of opposition to mining. Finally, we conclude that the iron ore mining licensing system calls for reformulations in order to make the granting of licenses more rigorous, breaking with the prevailing developmentalist logic, which presupposes the granting of environmental licenses as a practically compulsory or automatic administrative act.open accessMineraçãoLicença ambientalMinas GeraisMeio ambienteRegulaçãoPolítica ambientalA (in)efetividade do licenciamento ambiental da atividade de mineração de ferro no estado de Minas Gerais: uma análise das deliberações da Câmara de Atividades Minerárias do Conselho Estadual de Política AmbientalDissertaçãoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA