2020-06-292023-10-252023-10-252020-03-30Mendes, Lorena Lopes Freire. Terceirização de serviços na administração pública: uma análise da conta vinculada no âmbito do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 3ª Região. 2020. 160 f. Dissertação (Programa de Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/tede/450The outsourcing of services, in line with the ideals of the New Public Management, presents itself as a management tool in the search for greater efficiency of services provided in the public sector. However, the default situation of the contracted companies is recurrent regarding respect to the labor amounts owed to their employees. As a result, the service borrower's subsidiary liability was expressly extended to the Public Administration (Summary No. 331 of the TST). In this context, there is a conflict of interest and information asymmetry between a contracted outsourced company and a contracting public agency. In an attempt to align the interests involved, the linked account was created. It is a control instrument that seeks to guarantee the rights of outsourced workers, as well as to protect the Public Administration from eventual subsidiary responsibility. In the light of the agency's theory, the general objective of this work was to analyze the impacts of using the linked account in outsourcing contracts. It was also intended to identify the benefits, critical points and difficulties resulting from the use of the instrument. Therefore, the correlation between the theoretical framework and the empirical view was traced, through a case study in the Regional Labor Court of the 3rd Region (TRT3). From a qualitative approach, a descriptiveexplanatory research was developed in which, through participant observation and interview, the perception of the TRT3 administrative inspectors and the outsourced companies hired by it was collected. After a content analysis, it was demonstrated that the adoption of the linked account can be costly for both the contracting public agency and the contracted company. It was found that the Public Administration chooses to use the linked account and assumes its costs with the main objective of self-preservation. In the case of TRT3, it was found that this option occurred without a prior assessment of the additional costs and benefits generated by that instrument. The results showed that the linked account requires the adaptation of the organizational structure and the training of human resources to meet their requirements. In addition, efforts are divided between the inspection of the contractual object and the inspection of labor obligations. However, it was noted that the use of the linked account is not inappropriate in all situations. It was confirmed that the tool is at least beneficial to workers. Therefore, it is concluded that the operationalization of the linked account must be organized in order to maximize its benefits and reduce its costs. Otherwise, the current trend of expanding outsourcing, in order to make administrative performance more efficient, is harmed by the burden of contractual monitoring.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAdministração PúblicaMinas GeraisTerceirizaçãoJustiça do TrabalhoTerceirização de serviços na administração pública: uma análise da conta vinculada no âmbito do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 3ª RegiãoDissertaçãoADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA::ADMINISTRACAO DE PESSOAL