2022-08-012023-10-252023-10-252022-03-30Neves, Laura Bastos Pimenta. Participação, representação, deliberação e incidência nas políticas públicas de juventude em Belo Horizonte: uma análise da efetividade do Comitê Gestor do Centro de Referência das Juventudes. 2022. 178 p. Dissertação (Programa de Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Fundação João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte.http://repositorio.fjp.mg.gov.br/handle/tede/584This dissertation focuses on the Management Committee of the Centro de Referência das Juventudes (CGCRJ) in Belo Horizonte, which is a participatory institution, with the objective of analyzing its effectiveness and incidence in the shared management of the CRJ and in the public policy of youth in the municipality. The theoretical framework of the work consists of contemporary democratic theories in the line of participatory and deliberative democracy, unfolding in the approach of participation, representation and deliberation. Based on the analytical model, a qualitative research was carried out through a descriptive case study, which combined multi-method procedures: bibliographic and documentary surveys, semi-structured interviews with CCRJ members and participant observation. The results pointed to the sharing of power between the State and civil society, carried out through the participation and representation of youth, with effective deliberative effects. Despite being a consultative IP, the CGCRJ has configured an affirmative, inclusive, plural and participatory public policy for youth.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPolíticas PúblicasJuventudeBelo HorizonteComitê Gestor do Centro de Referência da Juventude (CGCRJ)Participação SocialParticipação, representação, deliberação e incidência nas políticas públicas de juventude em Belo Horizonte: uma análise da efetividade do Comitê Gestor do Centro de Referência das JuventudesDissertaçãoCIENCIA POLITICA::POLITICAS PUBLICAS