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Item Advocacia-Geral da União: uma agência de accountability horizontal?(Fundação João Pinheiro, 2016-03-29) Soares, Pedro Vasques; Batitucci, Eduardo Cerqueira;; Carneiro, Ricardo; Brasil, Flávia de Paula Duque; Ribeiro, Ludmila Mendoça LopesCorruption has conceptual richness, being a phenomenon of great social, historical and political impacts. Its reflexes can be felt on various spheres, billions of public money are wasted and it leads to serious risk to democracy. In Brazil, awareness of its existence has increased. The term corruption indicates the distortion of rules for the benefit of non-public interests and this is precisely what is not expected of a public official. Accountability is the ability to be accountable and take responsibility for the use of funds by the public officer. Comprehensiveness of the institute is wide, highlighting O'DONNELL’s analysis, in its horizontal perspective, reafirming the existence of state agencies which would have the right and the legal power, and would be actually willing and able to perform routine control actions up to imposing sanctions against other agents or state agencies. Here we sought to verify whether the Brazil’s Attorney Office (Advocacia-Geral da União – AGU) could be set as a horizontal accountability agency. AGU would be one of the control agencies within the structure of the Brazilian public administration after several reforms that took place in the 1990s. The brazilian public administration lacks agencies specialized in fighting corruption and seeking accountability in a public structured way, not subject to political influence, having interinstitutional coordination and technical freedom of action. AGU’s role as an essential to justice and the Brazilian State institution in accordance to Brazil’s Constitution of 1988 would be to represent more than the Government, but the State also, faced with the duty, as its assignment, of checking legality / lawfulness of State action. In orther to fully perform such role, the AGU should present two major basic functions: to advise, through an also consultative role, the Executive Branch and to represent judicially and extrajudicially all Powers of the Brazilian Republic, including the parquet. Thus, AGU would exercise a function of institutional control, whether as the advisory or as the legal representation, control of legality (monitoring, promoting and protecting) of the rights and duties foressen in the Brazilian Constitution, including the inherent obligations of public management and implementation of public policies. For the AGU to be set up as a designated horizontal accountability agency such as outlined by O'DONNELL, the assigning features, technical ability and willingness, as well as certain distance from the Executive Branch had to be checked. The AGU, as analyzed, has a constitutional model and an institutional role with features that allow it to be framed as a horizontal accountability agency, but not immune to failure, particularly concerning the required distance from the Executive Branch, or border defense.Item Uma análise da eficiência e combate à corrupção nas compras públicas(2017) Rabello, Camila Chagas; Rodrigues, Maria Isabel Araújo; Machado, Sulamita Crespo Carrilho; Alexandrino, Thaís MaraEste trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a legislação referente aos procedimentos licitatórios, de forma a identificar de que forma o Projeto de Lei nº 6.814/17 pode contribuir para o aumento da eficiência e combate à corrupção nas compras públicas. Inicialmente, o histórico das compras públicas no Brasil foi apresentado, assim como o conceito de licitações. Para o embasamento da análise, os princípios da eficiência e moralidade administrativa foram conceituados e foram identificados critérios objetivos para análise da eficiência e combate à corrupção nos procedimentos licitatórios. Ademais, buscou-se caracterizar o fenômeno da corrupção e apontar os principais gargalos da atual Lei Geral de Licitações (Lei Federal nº 8.666/93). Também foram identificadas e analisadas as tentativas de modernização introduzidas pela Lei do Pregão (Lei Federal nº 10.520/02), pelo Regime Diferenciado de Contratações (Lei 12.462/11) e pela Lei das Estatais (Lei Federal nº 13.303/16). A análise da legislação realizada no trabalho demostrou que, embora a legislação por si só não seja suficiente para redução da corrupção e aumento da eficiência nos procedimentos licitatórios, caso o PL nº 6.814/17 seja aprovado, os gargalos da Lei Federal nº 8.666/93 serão amenizados.Item Combate à corrupção e integridade pública: estudo das IFES de Minas Gerais(Fundação João Pinheiro, 2020-12-17) Oliveira, Jamile Camargos de; Cruz, Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves da;; Cruz, Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves da; Souza, Letícia Godinho de; Silva, Suylan de Almeida Midledj e; Couto, Felipe FroesCorruption in Public Administration has been highlighted in recent years in Brazil, acquiring greater centrality due to the successive scandals unveiled in the country. The Federal Public Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) did not pass unscathed in this context, calling special attention to the fact that they are organizations aimed at promoting intellectual and citizen education. This dissertation analyzed how the organizational environment is configured to fight corruption in IFES. Qualitative, descriptive and explanatory research was carried out through a case study in all 17 IFES in Minas Gerais. For that, the characteristics related to corruption were verified in 49 Administrative Disciplinary Processes (PADs) initiated between 2015 and 2019 and 11 civil servants who participated in the establishment and / or conduction of these processes were interviewed, to investigate the dynamics of control corruption in those IFES in the light of public integrity. The research findings indicated that the main factors of the organizational environment related to public integrity that contribute to the fight against corruption in the IFES correspond to the channels for expressing complaints, the external control mechanisms and internal control, the instruments for promoting ethics and rules conduct, expansion of transparency and access to information. It was found that the IFES corporatism and structural bottlenecks correspond to the main obstacles of the organizational environment in the fight against corruption. From a theoretical point of view, the study contributed to the discussion of a topic that has been little investigated in the context of the IFES. From a practical point of view, it demonstrated the difficulties encountered by IFES in facing corruption due to structural deficiencies and notably lack of servers, as well as a correction unit. In social terms, it contributed to the identification of mechanisms that can be used to curb and prevent a phenomenon that causes serious damage to education. We suggest the development of future research aimed at verifying the institutionalization of public integrity measures in the IFES as a strategy to combat corruption.Item Combate à corrupção no Brasil: um estudo de caso da Lei 12.846/2013 e suas repercussões no liame administração pública e sociedades empresárias contratantes com o estado de Minas Gerais(2021) Gonçalves, Márcio Fonseca; Souza, Carla Cristina Aguilar de; Silveira, Glauber Flaviano; Biondini, Isabella Virgínia FreireEste trabalho analisa a Lei 12.846/2013 e suas consequências no liame Administração Pública e empresas contratantes com o Estado de Minas Gerais. A metodologia da pesquisa utilizou pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A pesquisa bibliográfica direcionou-se para a literatura relacionada a legislação de combate à corrupção em solo pátrio, com foco na Lei 12.846/2013, selecionadas como os mais importantes referentes ao tema. A pesquisa documental envolveu estudos nas legislações referentes ao combate corruptivo e compliance no âmbito nacional e estadual, informações disponibilizadas no portal da transparência sobre o tema e informações constantes da SRPJ, órgão foco da aplicação da Lei 12.846/2013 no Estado mineiro. O estudo permitiu concluir que não obstante tenham ocorrido grandes mudanças e transformações positivas no Estado de Minas Gerais e em todo o Brasil em virtude da Lei Anticorrupção, a aplicabilidade dessa legislação ainda se encontra em fase embrionária tanto em Minas Gerais como no Brasil. Embora a referida lei não possa se considerar como "letra morta", isto é, possui uma aplicabilidade e gera consequências positivas no combate à corrupção tanto em solo nacional como mineiro, uma maior efetividade e abrangência ainda esbarra em muitos aspectos estruturais e organizacionais nos estados federativos que impossibilitam melhores resultados nesse tema. Não obstante tal fato deveras não muito positivo, observa-se que as melhoras estruturais, de abrangência ao tema e sua aplicabilidade melhoram a cada ano, principalmente no Estado de Minas Gerais. A cada ano o número de PAR instaurados, aplicações de penalidades, treinamentos realizados, estudos e consultas se expande deveras, principalmente se pegarmos Minas Gerais como referência. Tal fato revela perspectivas positivas para o futuro do compliance e transparência com os bens e o erário público, que certamente contribuirá ainda mais positivamente para uma atuação estatal ainda mais justa e eficiente. Portanto, não resta dúvidas de que a Lei Anticorrupção 12.846/2013 representa um aperfeiçoamento no combate à corrupção no Brasil.Item Combate à corrupção: análise por meio da atividade de inteligência(2014) Almeida, Hebert Wagner Mascarenhas; Birol, Alline Pedra JorgeA presente monografia é o resultado de um estudo sobre alternativas para o combate à corrupção. A partir de uma abordagem conceituai e dogmática de “atividade de inteligência” e “corrupção”, se buscou traçar a aplicabilidade de uma metodologia da atividade de inteligência para fazer frente àquele fenômeno. Na esteira dessa pesquisa, aprofundou-se na identificação dos métodos e técnicas da atividade da inteligência, assim como se pesquisou legalmente e doutrinariamente a corrupção.Item Compliance e combate à corrupção: apontamentos sobre o PL 367/2019 do estado de Minas Gerais(2019) Montolli, Carolina ÂngeloNo Brasil, são crescentes os dados a respeito do alto índice de corrupção que acomete principalmente os setores da administração pública. Mesmo diante de uma série de iniciativas, muitos políticos ainda conseguem burlar esse sistema e cometer atos corruptíveis, saindo impunes da situação. Nessa esteira, o presente estudo objetivou analisar a aplicabilidade do compliance na administração pública no estado de Minas Gerais, bem como avaliar o PL 367/2019 e a sua funcionalidade no combate a corrupção, que está presente de forma significativa no estado. Essa revisão de literatura pretende mostrar que há leis de combate à corrupção no país, entretanto, elas ainda não são tão eficientes como deveriam ser.Item Corrupção na educação superior pública? Estudo das Ifes de Minas Gerais(2021) Oliveira, Jamile Camargos de; Cruz, Marcus Vinícius Gonçalves daA corrupção na administração pública brasileira vem adquirindo maior centralidade graças aos sucessivos escândalos desvendados no país. As instituições públicas federais de ensino superior (Ifes) não passaram incólumes por esse contexto, chamando a atenção por se tratar de organizações voltadas à promoção da formação intelectual e cidadã. Este artigo analisa de que forma o ambiente organizacional se configura para o combate à corrupção por meio de um estudo de caso nas 17 Ifes de Minas Gerais. Para isso, verificam-se as características relacionadas com a corrupção em processos disciplinares administrativos (PADs), instaurados de 2015 a 2019, e entrevistam-se servidores que participavam da condução desses processos. A despeito de a maioria dos entrevistados não ter uma percepção clara do fenômeno da corrupção nas Ifes, os achados da pesquisa indicam que os principais fatores do ambiente organizacional referentes à integridade que contribuem para o combate à corrupção correspondem aos canais para manifestação de denúncia, aos mecanismos de controle externo e interno, aos instrumentos de promoção da ética e às regras de conduta, transparência e acesso à informação. Em termos de estrutura, constata-se que o corporativismo é o principal empecilho do ambiente organizacional no combate à corrupção. Para isso, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de pesquisas futuras voltadas a verificar a institucionalização das medidas da integridade nas Ifes como estratégia de combate à corrupção.Item Criminal compliance, lei anticorrupção e os mecanismos nacionais e internacionais de combate à lavagem de dinheiro e crimes de responsabilidade: políticas e estratégias da Adiministração Pública na gestao processual e judicial(2020) Montolli, Carolina ÂngeloO estudo tem por objetivo mapear e analisar, através de levantamento bibliográfico, as atividades de desempenho das instituições estatais e governamentais, bem como as privadas, que estão sujeitas ou envolvidas em crimes de corrupção no Brasil.É fundamental, outrossim, maior celeridade processual, de forma a garantir uma rápida resposta à sociedade, tão indignada e sacrificada pelas consequências advindas do cenário negativo que o País vivencia. Isso traz reflexos no custo social e econômico. Conclui-se, portanto, que o complianceé uma importante ferramenta de cooperação entre a sociedade empresária e o Estado, e sua implantação decorre diretamente da necessidade de integrar as sociedades empresárias no combate à lavagem de dinheiro e à corrupção.Item Entre o texto e o contexto: institucionalização dos programas de integridade no Brasil(Fundação João Pinheiro, 2019-12-09) Viol, Dalila Martins; Cruz, Marcus Vinícius Gonçalves da; Meirelles, Anthero de Moraes; Nogueira, Roberto Henrique PôrtoCorruption is a multifaceted phenomenon, with worldwide incidence, the effects of which mobilize strategies for its control and prevention. This paper has as its theme integrity programs, which are considered by entities, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), as the most effective contemporary way of confronting corruption. Contemporarily, in Brazil, they have multiplied both in private and public organizations, the former being better known as compliance programs. The general objective of this dissertation is to analyze the institutionalization of integrity programs in Brazil. From a theoretical point of view, this particular research is justified as the theme is recent, as it is an object of conceptual conflicts and there are gaps in the academic production related to it. From a social point of view, the adoption and implementation of an integrity program requires investment of multiple resources by an organization, which has even created a market for integrity programs. In addition to public resources being invested, the Public Administration has been adopting integrity programs and promoting their adoption through private organizations, especially via legislation. By the same token, the discussion of the topic is extremely relevant due to the gravity and complexity of the problem that it proposes to face: corruption. The theoretical foundations used in this dissertation are based on the ideas of the new institutionalism. In the analysis of the phenomenon of the institutionalization of integrity programs, we chose, based on the case studies, the prisms of Tolbert and Zucker (1999), Peci (2016) and Scott (2014) together with DiMaggio and Powell (2005). As a background, the anti-corruption regulatory scenario was recaptured, as well as the prospects for corruption: the Weberian; the one related to the theory of public choice and the republican one. Methodologically, qualitative research was selected, through case studies, analyzing the integrity programs in six organizations of national relevance, members of the private sphere and of the direct and indirect Public Administration. Literature review, survey of legislation and secondary sources were conducted. The techniques used to collect data and evidence were: (i) documentary survey; (ii) perception of specialists obtained by participating in 16 events related to the theme of integrity; (iii) indepth interviews with four qualified informants; and (iv) study of six cases through 14 semistructured interviews, which were interpreted by the content analysis method. The survey's findings reveal that integrity programs are embedded in the republican perspective of corruption. The processes inherent to institutionalization described by Tolbert and Zucker (1999) indicate that four organizations surveyed are in the habitualization stage, while two others are in objectification and none in sedimentation of their integrity program. Similar analysis based on the steps of the integrity program allows us to state that none of them has an internalized culture of integrity. According to Peci (2006), what influenced the institutionalization of integrity programs in the institutional context were the market dynamics, the legislation and the effects of Operation Car Wash. In the organizational field, there was an influence of the organizational network, which, depending on the case, involved suppliers, shareholders, customers, holding, regulatory agencies, as well as public entities celebrating leniency agreements and Federal police. The internal structure of the organizations surveyed influenced the integrity programs as a result of several characteristics such as the size of the organization, the predominant professional group, founders' tutelage, characteristics of the staff and power disputes. The institutionalization process, from Scott's perspective (2014), reflects upon the influences of acceptance and reproduction of norms and values. The influence of legislation was verified in the regulatory pillars, notably in Law no. 12,846 / 2013 and the organizations' internal Code of Conduct; in the normative pillar, prominent incentives for the internalization of integrity programs were noticed through multiple strategies; and in the cognitive-cultural pillar, mimetic isomorphism was found, generally in the statements of exaltation of integrity and ethical conduct, arising from internal pressures in favor of an anticorruption discourse. Once, in this dissertation, integrity programs are analyzed based on the anti-corruption purpose, it is concluded that for these programs to achieve positive results in relation to their goal, it is necessary that the initial stages of the institutionalization process overcome the implementation of mechanisms and instruments connected with the cultural realignment of the organization, which promote the assimilation of the values and practices formalized in the documents by all members of the organization, so that they are applied to daily activities. The study collaborates with the technical and purposeful discussion related to corruption in the country through the analysis of integrity programs, providing as a practical implication on the reflection of the need for organizations to strengthen practices for the institutionalization of integrity programs in the sense of their sedimentation. In academic terms, the originality of the research is revealed in the discussion of a not much pursued studied topic and in the use of relevant theoretical and methodological tools. In social terms, the analysis of the phenomenon of corruption reinforces the urgency of the dissemination of mechanisms and instruments for prevention and containment, in line with the contemporary premises acclaimed by Brazilian society. Ultimately, it is suggested that further studies continue to analyze the institutionalization of integrity programs in order to verify their evolution and dissemination, as well as conduct research that verifies their effectiveness in relation to corruption.Item Integridade, compliance e anticorrupção: as empresas estatais e o estado da arte(Fundação João Pinheiro, 2020-03-31) Caldeira, Marcos Guilherme Nunes; Dufloth, Simone Cristina;; Dufloth, Simone Cristina; Wanderley, Cláudio Burian; Magalhães, Tiago FantiniIn a moment of reconstruction of the institutional place of state companies, tainted by the recent fraud and corruption scandals, the promotion of integrity and compliance has been highlighted in the State's solutions agenda. Issued in this context, the State-owned Companies Law brings to live a complex corporate governance arrangement, introducing a true system of integrity, compliance and anti-corruption. In this sense, and with the broader purpose of contributing to the improvement of the Brazilian integrity institutional environment, this study aimed to analyze the system of integrity, compliance and anti-corruption introduced by the Law of Stateowned Companies in the light of the international best practices, taking as a reference the guidelines established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). As a result, it was observed that the Law of State-owned Companies presents a considerable degree of convergence in view of the evaluated good practices, having introduced in the Brazilian legal system a normative arrangement of integrity, compliance and anticorruption, which moves towards what could be consider the 'state of the art'. On the other hand, despite substantially adhering to the transnational recommendations, the law still presents gaps and omissions in at least three perspectives: integrated risk management; internal controls, ethics and compliance; and autonomy of state-owned companies and their decision-making bodies. The results of the research point to a propositional agenda for future studies, with a focus on investigating the alternatives for improving the Law of State-owned Companies and the Brazilian institutional environment, based on the gaps and flaws identified. On the other hand, it also points to an agenda of applied studies, devoted to investigating and understanding the challenges of the law implementation and its concrete results in the universe of state-owned companiesItem Programa de integridade na administração pública municipal : institucionalização, conformidade e mudança gradual(Fundação João Pinheiro, 2023-03-27) Coimbra, Leandro Belisário Ferreira; Cruz, Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves da;; Cruz, Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves da; Vieira, James Batista; Valadares, Josiel Lopes; Midlej, Suylan de Almeida e SilvaThe present work has as its theme the integrity programs, considered as mechanisms and procedures destined to assure the conformity of the organizations and their agents to the ethical principles and to the other established norms, in order to face the phenomenon of the corruption. The general objective of this dissertation is to analyze the implementation and functioning of an integrity program in the municipal public administration. The dissertation presents the theoretical foundations about the phenomenon of corruption and its confrontation, local integrity systems and integrity programs, and mobilizes the theoretical framework of the new institutionalism. The analysis of the implementation and operation of a municipal public administration integrity program was based on a case study. Such perspectives motivated the use of different dimensions of analysis: organizational field; isomorphism processes; ceremonialism and other strategic responses; and gradual change. As for the methodological procedure, we opted for qualitative research, through a single instrumental case study, analyzing the integrity program of a large Brazilian municipality. A literature review was carried out on the relevant theme and a case study was carried out through a documentary survey and 11 semi-structured interviews, which were interpreted through content analysis. The research findings reveal the existence of an organizational field in which the federal comptroller (Controladoria-Geral da União) assumes a prominent position in the dissemination of integrity programs. In this scenario, the existence of the three types of isomorphism processes was observed, namely, normative isomorphism, mimetic isomorphism and coercive isomorphism. Responding to institutional pressures, the organization designed a public integrity promotion program aimed at promoting and managing the implementation of integrity programs in its administrative units, through optional membership. The implementation and operation of the tool in the organization show a significant level of actual (acting) compliance with the normative guidelines regarding integrity programs, although in certain aspects it is possible to glimpse the existence of ceremonialism and non-compliance. This implementation, however, has been taking place in stages, and this process is not yet concluded. One cannot disregard the symbolic dimension that exists in the implementation of an integrity program, helping the organization to guarantee its legitimacy in its organizational field. In addition, it is observed that the implementation of the integrity program in the organization provoked a process of gradual change, mainly in layering, by which new practices and rules are introduced on top of or alongside those that already exist. It was possible to notice that the characteristics of municipal public administration impose greater attention to the implementation of programs in local governments, due to aspects such as the fragility of accountability systems. The study collaborates with the discussion on the subject, allowing to broaden the understanding of the implementation and operation of integrity programs in municipal public administration, based on the presentation of new perspectives on the subject and new reflections on the strategic actions necessary to guarantee the proper functioning of such programs. From a theoretical point of view, the investigation is justified due to the recency of the theme, the need to advance studies on tackling corruption in public administration and the gaps in academic production regarding the analysis of integrity programs at the local level. From a practical point of view, the present study is justified due to the dissemination of such programs in the national public sector, which demands the construction of analyzes and critical reflections about their use. It is suggested that further studies continue to analyze the implementation and operation of integrity programs, in order to verify their evolution, as well as seek to verify their effectiveness in fighting corruption.